Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So I'm still alive!  It was midterm time...and still is so I haven't had many interesting things to talk about.


Halloween should be interesting.  Apparently--in full costume--tons of people just walk around the local inner-city / place-to-be and get drunk.  I will be sure to film and take pictures!

See you then!  (and sorry for the lack of posts recently)


Here are some sneak peaks of Halloween!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Angry Porsche

Ok I was gonna do a large post much later about all the awesome cars I've been seeing (and the 10% of them that I actually take a picture of)  but this Porsche has to go up now.

This is the most bad-ass motherf*****g Porsche I have ever seen.  It actually makes the SUV look good.  Man this car makes other cars backfire when it rolls up on them from behind.

To whomever owns this car: I want to shake your hand...or run away. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I haven't much to talk about lately (* ̄m ̄) **UPDATED**

So not much in terms of blogable stuff has been happening lately. But I did take some interesting pictures I would like to share with you (just 4 small pictures, each with a small story).

First I would like to show you the stamps on my homework after being graded. The first one is good, the second was well, not so good:

It says, "You did it well."

This one says, "Let's try hard(er next time)."

I just got my first 100% on a 漢字 (かんじ) Kanji exam (Chinese characters)!!  Check out this kitten!


Say what you want, but there is something special about the feeling you get when your homework has a cute little kitten stamp on it.  I really like that my favorite teacher stamps our homework!  I want to hang it on my refrigerator at home!

Next is a pic of very odd name for a shop.  It was a hair they were going for the French...

Well I didn't want to be the one to tell what that means.  I know, I know, it means "bath shower" but any non-Japanese that looks at this will laugh and take a picture just like I did.  :P

Lastly, well I should preface this first:

I was walking around 梅田 (うめだ) Umeda, in 大阪 (おおさか) Osaka.  For those that don't know, 大阪 is a pretty large city right next to 神戸 (こうべ) Kobe, and it is full of shops and clubs and bars and things that will haunt your dreams until the day that you die.

Well I was just walking around with some friends, and we found a little shop that sells cute little things of all types which you can hang from your cell phone.  (Hanging things from your cell phone is a super East-Asian thing...)

Well we were in there looking around when I came upon this:

Yeah.  Yeah.  Yes.  It does come in two different sizes.  Yeah.  No really, yeah.

This is the one thing in this store that you can't actually hang from your phone.  I'm not sure what the purpose is, and why any company finds it profitable.  But hey, I've come to accept that I'm in Japan.  "It's Japan."  Is the one answer to all questions.  Why?  Because it's Japan.

Imagine a foreigner like me trying to buy that.  I don't know the word for boobs.  These 2 were tied down out front of the store so to purchase, you had to ask the owner.  How could I do that?  Do you just start playing charades with this guy until he guesses, "OOOOHH BOOBS!!  YOU WANT TO BUY A BOOB?!?  HEY EVERYBODY!!!  THIS WHITE GUY WANTS TO BUY A BOOB!!!"

It's Japan!  (* ̄m ̄)

Oh by the way, Matt (my bro), you know what you're getting for Christmas! ( ̄ー ̄)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Storms' a Brewin'

台風18 (Typhoon 18) is approaching Kobe!

Here is the predicted movement map of 台風18!

As you can see, it will go straight up Japan!  The eye might even pass over my very house!

I'm so excited, this is my first 台風!!

Here is a satellite view of my house in Kobe (marked with the 'A'):

View Larger Map

According to the NHK news, when winds reach 20 meters per second, it is difficult to walk into the wind.  But 台風18 will have winds up to 80 meters per second!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My Short Video of 高野山

Sorry that it took a while and that it is so short.  I took mostly pictures at 高野山.

I have no idea what that Spire far off in the distance was.  If anybody knows, 教えて下さい!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


気持ちいい (きもちいい) kimochii  

I went to the doctor again today.  They had my blood sample results and said that I have a small Japanese Bug that I don't need to worry about, just take the medicine and take it easy.


I was dehydrated and lacking a few vitamins, so they gave me an awesome IV full of stuff.  Since it takes about 1 hour, they laid me down in a bed made of miracles.  It was great.

This bed massaged me for 1 hour.  It was like having the tender yet skillful hands of a hundred delicate women, orchestrating over my body in a symphony of euphoria.  Yeah.  It WAS that great.  I want that bed.

BOY did it feel good!  気持ちいい!!! 

(I wanted to post a pic of a 看護婦 (nurse) but apparently all google image searches of that are a bit...umm...suggestive?)

So instead I will post a pic of a Japanese guy whose face is representative of 「気持ちいい!」 and therefore representative of mine while being massaged at the hospital: