Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Storms' a Brewin'

台風18 (Typhoon 18) is approaching Kobe!

Here is the predicted movement map of 台風18!

As you can see, it will go straight up Japan!  The eye might even pass over my very house!

I'm so excited, this is my first 台風!!

Here is a satellite view of my house in Kobe (marked with the 'A'):

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According to the NHK news, when winds reach 20 meters per second, it is difficult to walk into the wind.  But 台風18 will have winds up to 80 meters per second!


  1. I just looked at the satelite map, and it looks pretty bad. Please let us know how you guys survived when it passed.

  2. So is Tetsujin (Gigantor) still standing???

  3. WHAT?!? I hope so!! I want to visit that in person. (although I like the one in Tokyo better)

    SO the storm has passed the Kansai region of Japan... Damage is minimal, but the night was crazy! Winds were so fast, the whole house was shaking...and I slept like a baby through it all.
