Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2nd Video!! Japanese placement, and cell phone pictures!!!

First off, here is the link to the new video (it takes a while for youtube give me the HD upgrade, so if it isn't there, it will be soon):

The video is about the Okura Hotel in Kobe.  I hope you enjoy!

So today I received the results of my Japanese placement exam.  I tested into 4th year Japanese!!  YEEAAAA  Right where I belong!  Perfect!

Ok now to more interesting stuff, my phone.

Phones in Japan can do 2 things ours in the US can't do very well yet.

1)  Send entire phonebooks / single entry / your own info via Infra-Red beam to another phone, to save the hassle of exchanging info!

2)  Watch TV.  Anywhere.  FOR FREE.

Here are some picks of my gangstalicious phone:

I apologize for the fuzzy pictures.  I'm still rushing to do everything here still.

Well I have to go to bed.  Enjoy everybody!


  1. Ben,
    your phone is awesome!! The Iphone is able to do it as well but its the new 3GSI. You bump the phone to trade contact info

  2. Your phone is REALLY NICE! Looks like a fine piece of Japanese engineering :)

    Congrats to your language placement! When are you starting school?

    ...I still didn't need to put gas in the car since you left... haha

  3. School started already for us 留学生 (study abroad students) this Wednesday. It doesn't start for the rest of Konan University until next week.

    I want to post more soon, but I've been studying hahahaha. We have quizzes everyday and are pretty exhausted around 8pm so I sleep early. But I will make time for more updates, once more exciting things happen. (Right now its just school and sleep)

  4. Congrats to your language placement! ... And your Japanese will get stronger day by day.
