Thursday, September 24, 2009


So a lot of you have been yelling at me to post more!  And rightfully so!  Some of you even know that it was Silver Week in Japan, so I didn't have any school.  You asked, "Bence, you don't have school, so why aren't you posting?"  Well my friends it's because I've just been having waaaaaaaay to much fun!  And now, I will forgo the process of separating  my week and just post one giant post with all of my activities!

I'm afraid I wont be able to put videos up until next week sometime as I will be going on a Mountain Temple tour field trip.  We will be living as monks and doing monk things.  I will be sure to try and take pictures and video of allowed.

OK!  My friends and I went up 六甲山 (ろっこうさん) Rokko Mountain.  This was the first time that I had ever went up a mountain.  We were accompanied by Cory's host family, the 森本 (もりもと) Morimoto  family.  There was sort of a theme park for children at the top, but lots of sight-seeing to be had.  Here is a pic from the top:

Well after that we went to the beach.  Well, it's a beach but they don't have the nets set up offshore to keep the animals away.  They all said swim at your own risk but jellyfish are abundant during this time of the year.

Being the badass Amuricans that we are, we decided that jellyfish weren't worth fretting over and swam into the deep.  Deep deep.  Like Jaws attacks deep.  It was a bit scary.  The water is actually supposed to be a bit dirty since Kobe is a port city, and well, I could tell.

The water is clear in the sense that you can see very well through it, but it sort of stings your whole body as you are in it.  As we speak I'm growing a 3rd arm!

Well I couldn't take a picture of it because my hands were all wet or sandy, but we did run into jellyfish!  It was pretty scary!  In the process of trying to get out of the ocean as quick as possible, I stepped on a crab.  He wasn't too happy about that and let me know about it quite clearly   (,,#゚Д゚) !!

It's a shame that I couldn't take a picture, because we managed to capture a jellyfish and check it out pretty well, they are actually pretty heavy!!  Well here is a pic from the beach:

 That's right, we found a log!  It was drifting in the water and we swam out and brought it back!


The next day, I went back to 六甲山 with my friends from France  and two friends from Japan!  I'm so ashamed to say, but I accidentally deleted the pictures that I took  T-T  But I have a nice video in the making which I will post soon!

During my expeditions I became hungry one late night and walked to the nearest Co Op and bought a cute little vegetable and fruit drink, and umm.... well just look at the picture:

The Holiday was great, and if I had to sum it all up in 1 more picture, well it goes without saying:


  1. Actually, I showed you the first picture before. It seems "六甲山" is the most well known mountain in Kobe.

    The beach seems very cold. I hope you feel ok. I hope someday I could take you to the beach I always went to. Its always very sunny, warm, clear and full of people and fun stuff to do. It also has small crabs and some stuff like that. But its regulated, so very safe. no shark to eat you and you can swim deep, haha...

    Seriously, be carefull when you are at some non-regulated beach. Accidents can happen in one second. And you can swimmer faster than some ocean attackers.

    Have fun :)

  2. *you can't swimmer faster.

    Some mistyping. it will be interesting if you can, haha

  3. ... So all week long your Dad and I were telling each other: "Poor Ben, he is probably so VERY BUSY STUDYING, that's why he isn't writing anything. But that's OK. He is such a diligent student.
    But anyway, we are happy that you've had fun! Just don't get bit by a shark PLEASE!!!

  4. sounds really fun. the jellyfish seem scary
