Seeing as the temperature here in the Hyogo-ku is melt-your-skin hot, and the humidity is drown-if-you-open-your-mouth%, I think research is best.
I'd like to introduce and explain one of the things that Japan does which makes me all giddy, which is to display cute little stickers on cars based off of the driver of said car! I've been seeing these everywhere and have been wondering what the heck they were.
Anyways here are the symbols and their meanings and readings (in JSL romanization):
高齢運転者標識 (こうれいうんてんしゃひょうしき)
(korei untensya hyousiki)
Elderly Driver Sign:

This sign is used to display that the driver is old.
(typically around 70)
初心運転者標識 (しょしんうんてんしゃひょうしき)
syosin untensya hyousiki)
Beginner Driver Sign:

This sign is given to all beginning drivers and must be displayed until 1 year after they've received their driver's license.
This is the WATCH OUT I'M A 16 YEAR OLD GIRL!! sticker.
(Though in Japan the driving age is 18.)
身体障害者標識 (しんたいしょうがいしゃひょうしき)
(sintai syougaisya hyousiki)
Handicapped Driver Sign:

This is the handicapped-driver sign. I think our picture of a person in a wheelchair is much more clear, but this 4-leaf clover works too I guess.
(Maybe Japan thinks that these drivers will need all the luck they can get to make it home in one piece?)
聴覚障害者標識 (ちょうかくしょうがいしゃひょうしき)
(tyoukaku syougaisya hyousiki)
Deaf Sign:

This little butterfly is used to let all other drivers know that this driver is deaf. Go ahead and honk your horn all you like, they can't hear it.
(This symbol will be replaced soon with a new one depicting dots like this, 「○○○」 so I have heard.)
I hope when you go to Japan and see these cute stickers, you will remember this and drive accordingly! I really wish we did this back in the States. I want to know who is old, who is young, and who is deaf!
But remember to put them on your car in an easy-to-spot area!

or else...

For the symbol for disabled people, there is a legend about that in china(maybe the same in japan, im not sure). It's a three-leaf plant, which we call, "三叶草". If people who can find one has four leaves, they can have all the good luck and happiness forever.
ReplyDeleteso maybe thats the reason. just maybe. i really have no idea. all the symbols look fun though.
that is a really cool idea, we should adopt those here in the states
ReplyDeleteHave you checked on the drifting world yet?
ReplyDeleteAre these signs manadatory to put on your car, or just optional? In Hungary you had to wear a letter "T" on your car for a full year. T is the initial of "tanulo" - student/beginner (driver).
ReplyDeleteI'm almost certain that it is mandatory. But I don't know 100%
ReplyDeleteI am joining the Konan University Racing Club, so we will see on that!