Monday, September 28, 2009

Pics from 高野山 !!

高野山 is the heart of Shingon Buddhism in Japan.  The mountain range actually looks like a giant Lotus Flower, with the main temples and graveyard right in the heart of the flower!~

I don't remember the important names because I am bad at Japanese names and didn't write anything down T-T sorry.  Here are the pics, the video will come later, I hope you enjoy!

A pic of the mountains as we rode the train to the heart.

The track that our cable car would soon take us up.  It was long and STEEEEEEEEEEP!
(That isn't the top, the car was approaching.  The top is out of sight because the track turns the left and is much too high!)

For those that still don't believe me: the green grasshopper that this spider is munching on, had a wingspan approaching 4 inches!  Why is it that the only thing in Japan that isn't small, are the bugs?!

Here are some pics from the famous graveyard which holds the graves of many famous samurai and Japanese:


If you can get a stone to land on top of a gate, you are granted one wish! でも、できなかった。

The founder of 高野山

A hidden Mausoleum.


There was also a really cool little box, with a HEAVY and LARGE stone in it.  You are supposed to reach inside the box and try to put the stone up to the top level inside the box.  If you do, you get 1 wish!

They said that those who are guilt-free will have an easy time to lift it, while those who are full of guilt won't be able to do it.  Guess what?!  I lifted that sucker up to the top like it was paper!  And some guys even bigger than me couldn't even get it half way!  Some girls got it too!  Weird, I think I believe the stone.  So I get 1 wish!!  O(∩_∩)O
(Sorry there are no pictures, this box was in a part of the graveyard where no pictures or video are allowed, it's one of the most sacred places.)

There was also a temple grounds with some cool temples, check them out!

Well that's it!  I hope you enjoyed it!  The video will be coming soon, don't expect anything special as my videos aren't the greatest!


  1. That box. I demand a rational explanation for how it works.


  2. Actually, in Chinese temple we have many similar things like this. When I was a child, my grandma always told me in the mountain that we almost climbed up every weekend full of mysterious and beautiful temples and plants from the bottom to the top, there was something like a pot, and the more guilt-free and pure you are, the more you bubbles you can get when you make friction with the edge of the pot. But she never led me there.

    Haha, this made me want to go back to my childhood. I feel I have got much more dirt on me compared to that time when I was only 5 year old.

  3. Even though those temples are not as impressive as the ones in China, when I see those graves and the serenity sense they convey, I couldnt help but feeling a cultral and religious familarity.

    I always look up to those forerunners. The founder of this temple, 弘法大师, went to the Tang Dynasty and brought the religion and advanced culture back to Japan from China. It has a similar cultural sense. And this really remind me of my childhood and home. Homesick...

    I really want to take you to the temples I always go to. For religion, we are not comparing whose architecture is cooler, the serenity and admiration for your own religion should be respected the same much.

  4. Yeah China is much more grand, but I agree that you can't help but feel a religious and serene sense. Like you are lost in an almost magical world. I was waiting for TOTORO to pop out! Or some 神様, even though there weren't any Shinto Shrines!

  5. and that stone thing was hilarious! So many big dudes were all, "well umm idk it was a bad angle" or something but we all had the same angle and the same stone hahaha. I was pleased as punch that I could lift thing with ease. The tour guide was even shocked and amazed! She looked at me beaming and said, "You must have no guilt! It's so easy for you!" hahaha

  6. I like the box lifting thing. you have no guilt
