Tuesday, September 8, 2009

FIRST OFF!  Here is the link to my first video!  Be sure to click, "Watch in HD"!!


Anyways, I got a sweet Japanese cell phone that stores and plays music, comes with a speaker-pod, takes great video and stills, internet everywhere I go, code scanner (Japan does this thing with scanning codes on products to tell you info or get discounts, etc.), infrared phonebook sharing, and...best of all....its GOLD.  hahaha In japan, all phones have really embarrassing colors, and apparently, Gold is the new black.

I will post pictures of it later, I didn't have time today because...well because I got lost.

I got lost - to the extreme.  I got off of the bus to go home, looked up, and realized. "OMG I don't know where the F*** I am!!!"

It was at that point that I put my 日本語 (Japanese) to the test!  I failed that test.  Well not really.  I asked 3 different people how to go home in very good Japanese, and they all told me in very good Japanese, that they have no idea where I want to go...I didn't have my address on me (-__-メ).

It was about 30 minutes after I began wandering the streets of the Kumano-cho, that a horrible, desperate, and overwhelming feeling hit.  I'm lost, nobody can help me because I can't even help me, and I can't read shit!

I called my host mother and father 10 times each before they finally picked up.  I thought Japanese was hard to understand.  Over the phone, with cars, buses, and trains flying past--its impossible.  After 30 more minutes of following directions via the phone, I ended up close to home.  Close enough for my host mother to spot the 6 feet 1 inch 外人 (foreigner) wandering the streets like a stray dog.

I wanted 2 things, a plane ticket home, and some 酒。  That was a terrible feeling.    _| ̄|○

I however did make a friend on my journey...and well, I scared somebody too I guess.

There was this stray cat, that meowed at me each time I passed it as I walked up and down, up and down the streets.  Finally, it decided to follow me and keep me company while I desperately searched for anything that seemed familiar.  During that process, one of the Japanese men that I asked for help---he just backed away from me with a very scared face until he hit a wall, and then managed to sink himself into the wall to get away from me.

Well Enjoy the video, I need some 酒.  Tomorrow is a new day right?


  1. Cool! I like your video. Your place is really clean and neat. Those slippers are really funny: one for the hallway, one for the bathroom. That orange bathroom slipper is particularly not you at all . . .

    Well, you are getting lost in Kobe reminded me a story when I got lost in Vienna, Austria one night when I was 16. We were on the way home from Italy and had no money left for hotel, so we had to sleep in our incredibly uncomfortable Soviet '75 Lada (they called it automobile). Neither of us could sleep, so we took off one by one to wander around the city. Few hours later and far away from our parked car I suddenly bumped in to my Dad whom I scared very badly. It was a strange reunion.

  2. it seems like your doing well, which is good to hear! and i see you got your camera to work with premier pro!

    but i probably would have panicked in that whole "lost" ordeal haha. and thats a really cool toilet-water-saving idea tho.

    i wish we could have had more time to do stuff with adobe premier pro but im sure you'll learn it quickly.
    hope to hear from you again,

    your bro

  3. Little poor thing, if I was there I could tell you the direction like we were in chicago... You know what I asked that kitten to follow you to give you good luck :P

    Anyway, I couldnt help laughing when I saw you show the panda bear and hello kitties. You are so cute!

    And you know what Yitong would say when she saw that toilet? "It can save a lot of water!" hahaha

  4. Thats true that one of the hardest things of learning a foreign language is that you always feel so afraid of talking to people on the phone. Im here in the US for a year, but I still feel afraid whenever I need to make a call. Thats just the normal feeling of being abroad. But you are with a host family, like I told you, take full advantage from them. Your Japanese would get improved very fast. Good luck, BB! :D

    One more thing. Save the number of the police office in your phone and some other emergency numbers. Please. Thats very important for being abroad!

  5. dude bence you had me on the gel bit. hahaha
    can't wait to see future videos!

  6. Hahaha thanks guys! Hahaha!

    I'm actually using Sony Vegas Pro 9 to edit these videos!! As I am typing this (9:30pm Kobe) I am uploading another video to youtube!! It will show you the hotel I stayed in for the orientation. It was AWESOME!!!

  7. Did you find the Waterfront yet??? haha

  8. Because I have no idea what "酒" is, I'm going to assume it's baby. You wanted a plane ticket home and some delicious, delicious baby.

    (Hi Ben, glad to see you're alive and all. :D )
